“NorseBoats…sexy looking with a sweet sheerline and a shapely bow profile.”
Robert Perry, naval architect
“I have Viking blood in my veins, and the NorseBoat really gets it stirring…this is one of the best small cruising boats I’ve seen in a long time.”
Steve Isaac, WaterTribe

Swiss army knife craftsmanship, performance, versatility
Swiss army knife craftsmanship, performance, versatility
Perfect for:
“The simplicity of hauling up the mast is something I hadn’t anticipated. It is yet another piece of elegant and thoughtful engineering. Truly everywhere one looks on the boat one sees careful decisions that were made. And the boat is also just so pretty. We got three sincere complements In her lines just at the docks!! In short I’m so impressed by what you have created.” C. Gill, Lincoln, MA (NorseBoat 17.5 Classic owner).
Our Boats
NorseBoats are hand-crafted sailing, rowing and solar electric power boats with classic lines and high performance. They are fast, fun and easy to use under sail, oar or electric motor. Their versatility and innovative features have earned them the reputation of the Swiss army knife of boats! NorseBoats can be be easily beached and trailered, fit in a standard garage, and be used as comfortable camp-cruisers.
NorseBoat 12.5
Daysailer / Tender
Sassy sistership!
NorseBoat 17.5 Classic
Sailing & Rowing Cruiser
Our best seller!
NorseBoat 21.5
Daysailer/Coastal Cruiser
High capacity, high performance!
NorseBoat Solar Electric Launch
17.5 and 21.5 models
“The NorseBoat is fantastic – meeting and exceeding my expectations, which were derived solely from the internet!” J. Austin, architect, Cambridge, MA

Our Saga
NorseBoat founder Kevin Jeffrey
developed the concept for the
NorseBoat 17.5 in 2002. His concept
was simple: versatile, seaworthy sailing
and rowing boats with classic lines and
high performance. Since form and
function were both important, Kevin
collaborated with Chuck Paine &
Associates in Camden, Maine to
develop the hull shape for the
NorseBoat 17.5. The result is a boat
with a true pedigree, one with
stunningly beautiful lines and a host of
innovative features.
NorseBoats are hand-crafted and versatile, and therefore hold their value better than most small boats.
A selection of pre-owned NorseBoats are available through our professionalweb brokerage service. Although we build to order, we occassionally have new boats in inventory that are available for sale.

“I have sailed Whimsy (NorseBoat 17.5) for two days now …what a rush! You have designed and engineered a masterpiece!”
D. Thayer, Maine
“I have sailed Whimsy (NorseBoat 17.5) for two days now …what a rush! You have designed and engineered a masterpiece!”
D. Thayer, Maine
“The line drawing of the
NorseBoat 17.5 takes our breath
away. She looks both beautiful
and versatile.”
Small Craft Advisor

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